INTASC #6 Assessment

Standard #6 Assessment

The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.

INTASC #6 Interpretation

Every day I will make sure children are on task and on the level of learning they need to be. I will be able to assess formally and informally to make sure students are not left behind. Success and understanding will be my top concern.


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INTASC Standard Reflection

The above are examples of assessments I would use in my classroom. Daily assessments are important to evaluate student learning and presentation of content by the teacher. Formative assessments will help me see if the child is learning a concept or if re-teaching is necessary. Summative assessments will help me see if the child has succeeded in learning. It is important to teach with the end in mind.