INTASC #7 Planning for Instruction

 Standard #7 Planning for Instruction 

The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

INTASC #7 Interpretation

I will see what children’s prior knowledge is and build my instruction from their. Instruction will be linked to the child’s goals. I will be able to teach to every child at their level so they can meet those goals.



INTASC Standard Reflection

The lesson for language arts was created for kindergarten students who are learning about syllables. The lesson coincides with TEK K.b.(2)  Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/Phonological Awareness. Students display phonological awareness. Students are expected to: (B)  identify syllables in spoken words; and with ELPS: (4)(D) Use prereading supports such as graphic organizers, illustrations, and pretaught topic related vocabulary and other prereading activities to enhance comprehension of written text.

This lesson focuses on teaching these concepts to students in an engaging and motivating way.